260 results found
Show full path in tooltip when hovering over a tab for a query.
Similar to visual studio. I have a linqpad script that gets copied into different bin folders. If I have the script open I have no idea which one it is without doing open containing folder.
1 voteThis will be available from version 6.6.6.
Bug: Query timer disappears after using compiler optimizations
When I turn on compiler optimizations the query timer disappears. This might be intentional. However, when I disable compiler optimizations the query timer remains hidden. Restarting the application shows the timer again.
I'm using v6.9.15 Pro Edition.
1 voteThis has been fixed in 6.10.5
bug: async program in LinqPad6 (EF) doesn't wait.
.. while writing this explanation I noticed that my Async void Main() had an incorrect return type.
After changing it to Task, everything works as expected.
Could you please report it as an error when or warning (green squigly) when writing "async void Main" and suggest "async Task Main" instead ?
When doing the void' version, Linqpad executes and never waits - so the program completes, but run in the background...
1 voteThis is now fixed in 6.10.9
display middle c# code like as sharplab
The right window will display the "middle" c# code, it's very useful.
1 voteThis feature is available in LINQPad 6.14 (in beta as of June 2021). Just click the IL translation tab and you will see the translation to C# 1 (as well as IL and assembly).
Bug - chart Dump descriptions are applied to future Dumps as well
Great product, just found a small bug. The Chart Dump is incorrectly being applied to everything dumped after it in this case.
void Main() { var a = new[] { 1, 2, 3 } .Dump() // adding THIS dumb caused the bug. remove this and the errorous grouping goes away. ; a.Chart().Dump("This desc should only be chart"); a.Dump("this is nested..."); a.Dump("this too."); }
1 voteThanks - will fix in 7.4.3
Interactive Regex Evaluator: add spellcheck="false" to patternbox and inputbox
Spelling underlines interfere with pattern editing/selections and constitute visual clutter. Patterns and, possibly, input texts are seldom valid to a spellchecker. Moreover, if you try to open the settings from the spelling right-click menu, the page is invalid.
1 voteThis attribute has been added for release 7.5.13.
Fix spelling
Under Preferences -> Advanced -> "Don't show Undo availibility message when restoring queries", the word "availibility" is spelled incorrectly. It should be "availability".
1 voteCompleted for 8.4.2
Provide clickable links in exception stack traces to jump to error.
I was benchmarking some code which happened to throw an exception and noticed that the exception stack trace has been formatted to replace the line number with a clickable link that goes to that line in my query.

That's a pretty handy feature and I was wondering if the same thing could be done with the unhandled exception message handler?
The FormatException code in BenchmarkDotNet.linq only works for lines in the current query (which would probably cover the vast majority of cases), but doesn't work with #loaded scripts, but the stack trace in the debugger can…
1 voteGreat idea. This is now implemented in 8.4.9.
use (or selection) of a mono spaced font in the output shell
when printing to the output shell / console the font is not mono spaced, please change with a mono spaced or offer to select a font
1 voteThis feature is already available - go to Edit | Preferences > Results.
Mention SAC in Antivirus performance test
I believe disabling windows 11 SAC Smart App Control, should be mentioned in the Antivirus Performance Test as it has severe impact on performance even when utilizing DEV drive. Turning it off made the test go from ~ 400 ms to < 1 ms on my laptop
1 voteGood call. This has now been updated for 8.8.1.
Support 1:1 relationships
1:1 relationships would be better represented with entity references on each side - rather than a EntitySet<> on one side.
0 votes -
fix bug with "new" in comments
Typing "new" in a comment causes the intellisense to popup.
0 votes -
Fix bug for default query type
If you change the default query type to C# Program or C# Statements and then create the query by right clicking on a table then result doesn't add the necessary ";" to the generated query.
0 votes -
Map Console.WriteLine to Dump extension method
Often times I use LINQPad to throw together some sample code to post on Stack Overflow. While the veterans will clearly recognize code that uses the Dump() extension method as LINQPad code, beginners are puzzled. So I change it all to Console.WriteLine before posting. It would be nice if I could start with Console.WriteLine and have that behave the way Dump() would.
0 votes -
support for reactive extensions
support IObservable to be Dumped. Have a look at http://naveensrinivasan.com/2010/04/07/using-odata-linqpad-reactive-extensions-rx-to-query-stackoverflow/
0 votes -
Maximum Result Greater Than 10000
As it is with SSMS, I'd like the option to return ALL the results of a query. For example, I'm currently trying to execute a query that should return over 46k rows and I'm only seeing 10k because of the limit imposed by LINQPad.
0 votesDone. Click the ‘Results in Grid’ icon
put 'executing' status in tab (spinner, etc)
If I have a long-running query in one tab and switch to a different tab to do other work, I would like the non-active tab to visually show that it's still busy somehow. This way I can tell when it finishes and switch back to check the results.
The workaround is to open a new instance of LINQPad, but sometimes I have 2 or 3 long-running queries and would rather just stick with tabs if I could get them to communicate their 'still running' status even when inactive. :)
0 votes -
ByRef type should be dumped like typeof(T&)
The below code...
new [] {
}.Dump();...dumps [ Type[] (3 items) ] with:
(each element is hyperlinked)In this result, the last element "typeof(Int32)" should be dumped as "typeof(Int32&)".
I think this is a bug and should be fixed.0 votes -
Change connection tree to show SQL types when in SQL mode
When I am editing an SQL query it is often useful to know specific information about the fields in a table as they exist in the database, rather than the fields and types that are relevant for C#.
Currently the treeview shows (potentially modified) names, .NET types and additional fields for associations. The original object name and SQL data type is available by hovering over the entities in the treeview.
When working on an SQL query it is more useful to have the unmodified database objects and types visible in the treeview.
0 votes -
Only have one Ctrl+Shift+M shortcut
Ctrl+Shift+M was Copy for Markdown/StackOverflow, but a recent update has also made it Namespace Imports.
I'd like to keep it as Copy for Markdown/StackOverflow and change Namespace Imports.
0 votes
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