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LINQPad Feature Suggestions

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LINQPad Feature Suggestions


1195 results found

  1. I'd like to be able to configure the transparency of the CTRL key when the Intellisense window pops up.

    The problem I have is, I use Emacs key bindings and CTRL+N and CTRL+P interfere with my UP/DOWN navigation scrolling through the Intellisense list. It's annoying trying to move up and down and the pop up keeps fading to transparent.

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  2. I recently write a web crawler which fetches data from website and store into the database. Since I have already had some same kind of data in the database, I have to use linq to detect whether or not the data fetched from website has already been in the database. Here comes the problem: every times the compiler runs into the Linq expression against the database table, it seems like it generates a new instance of the database, and not disposing it after leaving the brackets. Thus the query at some point would ran out of the memory. I rewrite…

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  3. Our Dev and QA servers have at least a hundred databases on each server instance. It would be great if there was a "Quick Select" for databases similar to the "Navigate to Query" ctrl+, window. I know there is the drop down at the top, but it is not a searchable drop down.

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  4. Detect the Dump() statements and render an inline Button next to it (or in the left column). That button work immediately execute only that Dump() statement.

    Probably only works in the C# statement(s) mode

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  5. I'm hoping this would be a fairly easy change, but would make my life a lot easier. I dump a lot of abbreviated strings/hyperlinqs which I only sometimes need to differentiate the absolute paths or other truncated details for. It would be great if I could just mouse over the text to get some additional info.

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  6. LINQPad adds * (asterisk) indicator char to the current tab when saved script is changed (char removed/added, etc). It would be great if this * (asterisk) indicator is removed as soon as changes are undone by multiple CTRL+Z commands. As for now, even if file is restored to the original state, the asterisk is still displayed and it's difficult to tell if the file was really changed or not (safe to resave or not?).

    Please consider implementing this feature, it should be a piece of cake! :)


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  7. Dim wnd As New NativeWindow()
    wnd.AssignHandle(Process.GetProcessById (Util.HostProcessID).MainWindowHandle)

    'Add the above code or the c# version of it to a Util function that lets us pop up dialogs that show above the linqpadwindow.
    Dim browser = New FolderBrowserDialog With {.ShowNewFolderButton = False, .SelectedPath = pth}
    If browser.ShowDialog(wnd) = DialogResult.OK Then
    pth = browser.SelectedPath
    End If

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  8. "Show all nestings levels" works only for the first items! Not for all. Please fix!

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  9. It would be nice if FSharp Option types would render as (value | null), rather than, at the moment, as a nested table with (Some(value) | None)

    This would be consistent with the rendering for Nullable<T>, which prefers readability over being totally strict around the type system.

    I appreciate you don't want to add an endless list of special cases, but this would be really useful.

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  10. When using and object initializer on a property within a parent object initializer, the intellisense show the global intellisense list.

    This code shows the issue:

    void Main()
    new Foo
    { // Placing cursor after this brace and pressing space gives a drop-down list with "Qux", as expected
    Bar =
    { // Placing cursor after this brace and pressing space give th same list as Ctrl+Space in an empty query. Expected a list with "Baz".

    // Define other methods and classes here
    class Foo
    public Foo()
    Bar = new Bar();

    public Bar Bar {
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  11. It would be great if LinqPad query can access internal members of referenced libraries without changing the referenced libraries to add InternalsVisibleTo attribute. Instead we could use the reverse attribute IgnoresAccessChecksToAttribute in the query to allow it to access internal members of any specified libraries. You can find detailed information on how this can be done here: and

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  12. title says it all. I really really need this, as LINQPad becomes really really annoying to navigate after a while without this

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  13. Coping and Pasting the Result data to another application normally don't show results has expected.

    Like pasting to notepad the columns heads is pasted one per line and the data is pasts was separated by space.

    I would expected that the past data and the headers should be pasted separated by tab.

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  14. There is no DatePicker control available and there doesn't appear to be a HTML5 implementation of <input type="date"> which would automatically show a DatePicker on clicking in the field. I expect it could be done with JavaScript, but a control would be nice.

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  15. The Dump() method should expose a parameter that adds ability to highlight texts that matches the parameter. This would help us quickly find something when dealing with a deeply nested or a very long list of objects that are dumped.

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  16. A console on the bottom side like the package manager on VS. Having the ability to run powershell, cmd or your own linqpad scripts. By default on the query directory. This way, you can chain commands with your own scripts and things like that to automate things.

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  17. It would be nice to have an option for database connections marked as "Production" to be able or not be able to save changes, modify or delete etc.

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  18. When clicking on the header of a colomn the column gets selected and you can copy the entire column

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  19. Very simple, right click on current query window and run query. Same as SSMS. If text is highlighted then run that context instead.

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  20. I have a table called Volume. It has a bigint column called Volume as well. Linqpad doesn't show it at all

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