Improve the performance
Even on my dual quad core box with 4GB RAM, LinqPad can take a long time to open. The UI is often unresponsive when switching to the application or compiling/running a query.
I'd like to see some investment in improving the performance of the application and giving it a more lightweight feel.

Is there specific information you can give to reproduce this? Does the CPU show any utilization when LINQPad freezes on you? On a modern processor, LINQPad should take between 1 and 2 seconds to start up (longer on cold, if the CLR hasn't been warmed up). It should almost never go unresponsive - LINQPad puts all time-intensive tasks onto worker threads. One thing you could try is cleaning up your temp directory - if I/O becomes a bottleneck, Windows tends to get sluggish no matter what you do with threads.