Sort Columns
Having just started a new job, I'm working with entirely new tables. It would be really great if LINQPad would let you sort the columns in the display. It would make finding a column so much easier.

James Curran commented
I just discovered that this has been implemented.
On the Connection Properties dialog (for MS SQL databases), "Display columns in alphabetical order" is an option under Data Context Options.
James Curran commented
To clarify (what I believe) Jack is saying...
Presently in the Explorer window on the left, in the tree, the column are listed in physical order -- generally the order they were added. On legacy projects, columns at added a few at a time over years, so a table could have hundreds of columns, with many that logically work together spaced far apart. (for example, a table may be created with an "RenewalPeriodEndDate" column. Then years later, a "RenewalPeriodStartDate" column is added, with many other columns in between)
So, we'd like a option (perhaps on the table context menu), to have the columns listed in the tree in alphabetic order. -
Jack Bond commented
Hi Joe,
Useful feature in the query results, but I actually meant in the explorer window when a table is expanded.
This is now available when you enable "Results to Grids"