Disable automatic server connection
When Linqpad first starts, it automatically connects to every server you have added as a connection. Please add an option to disable this behavior and only make a connection after clicking on the server first.

Go to connection properties and in the database box, uncheck “Populate on startup”.
Mark Dietsch commented
Has this feature been removed? I don't see a "Populate on startup" option.
Dani Avni commented
@Joe, using v5.48 it does not work as expected. Indeed, the connections are not populated, but when I open LINQPad it takes ~7-10 seconds until the UI is responsive because all the connections change from showing "connecting" to not showing it. I *DO* have the populate on startup not checked but some of my connections are slow as they are to the other side of the world (high latency) and it is very annoying
Ross Presser commented
This exists as of 5.6.3; not sure when it was added. Use the "populate on startup" checkbox in the connection properties.
Josh Einstein commented
Yes, this is very important! Not just for performance, but for security as well. When on public Wifi or another untrusted network, this could potentially leak information like IP addresses or even credentials if the connection is not encrypted.
Ross commented
It'd be nice to also be able to disable the connection after it's initialized as well.
Geovani Martinez commented
I agree with Michael. I have 22 connections that get initialize at run-time and when those connections are not available the UI freezes. The option to "Connect at start up" while defining a connection should exist (check-box). If the user has checked the "Connect at start up" check-box for the connection then auto connect otherwise move on to the next defined connection and check the setting.