linqpad as a portable app
Right now I don't see a way to portabalize the app. All of the main config data, connections, app plugins, etc. save into the AppData folder. It would be nice to have an option to have these all save to a subdir of the executable so you could move the app between systems and have all of your settings, connections, plugins, etc. intact.

Billy Biro commented
Please allow activation to be portable also!
Anonymous commented
How do I activate my portable linqpad
klmcw commented
I have tried the suggestions at and when running with the dotnet cli on macOS Sierra I get:
The library 'libhostpolicy.dylib' required to execute the application was not found...So I guess portability only extends to the various Windows platforms. Is that right?
Matt commented
@Joe - a good idea, but it is a lot of work to transfer all connections, queries etc manually to the portable folders and xml files. Hence it would be nice to have a menu option such as "File -> Create portable LinqPad" which asks you about a target folder, and then does all the copying and creating XML files.
(For the readers of this forum, here are the details:
Vince commented
I assume the IE activeX control used for displaying results isn't helping much with portability :)
Have you thought about a reduced feature set which is portable?
The situation with regard portable deplpoyments has improved in recent betas: can now portablize connections, drivers, default namespaces & references and user preferences, as well as queries, plug-ins and snippets.
john commented
Perhaps a better solution to "Give option to generate EXE". Could just make the trial version pick up on *.linq/config files in the same directory & give an option to export them from the main app.
Wade Hatler commented
I'd like that as well, although it's not an emergency. I'm deploying it to all my client machines. I have a workaround now that actually works OK. I just use MKLInk to create a junction in the AppData folder to point to a different folder, and then that folder can be shared via dropbox or whatever, e.g.
CD %AppData%
Rem Delete or move the old LINQPad folder
MKLink /D LINQPad C:\MyFolder\LINQPad root -
anaximander commented
Definitely a feature I'd use! At the moment I have the Plugins, Queries and Snippets folders in my Dropbox so that changes follow me around, but this only works for machines where I have LINQPad installed and it requires a few moments of setup on any new computer. I'd love to be able to add LINQPad to the portable tools on my flash drive!
Peter Thomas commented
Yes please!