Management Studio Templates (Ctrl+Shift+M) Support
In SQL Management Studio, you can use expressions like
DECLARE @FirstName NVARCHAR(max)='<Enter FirstName,nvarchar(max),John>';
DECLARE @LastName NVARCHAR(max)='<Enter LastName,nvarchar(max),Doe>';
in a *.SQL file. When you press Ctrl+Shift+M, then you are prompted to enter the parameters in one single dialog (in this case it shows "Enter FirstName", and "Enter LastName" displays default values "John" and "Doe", both of type nvarchar(max))
This is quite useful to have some quickly generated macros at hand, and maybe the idea could be supported in C# for Linq Expressions as well ...

Matt commented
NOTE: The "Ctrl+Shift+M" dialog mentioned is the same as the one coming up in Management Studio when you right-click on a stored procedure and select "Execute..." from the context menu.