order connections by name
I would like the option to sort the connections by name, now I have similar named connections all over the place (which already lead to duplication). This sorting would be convinient in combination with the grouping of connections into folders (first order folders, then folder contents)
Travis Terrell commented
This appears to have been implemented since this was written. They sort by connection type, then name, and respect any custom re-names. The only thing is, they don't reorder themselves until you restart LinqPad. (Which, to be honest, I already have to do at least once or twice a day anyway as CTRL+TAB switching starts to become too slow for convenience.)
As for the folders, there is actually another one requesting for that folders with 270 votes, btw.
https://forum.linqpad.net/discussion/2462/re-order-rearrange-connections -
Karlo Melendez commented
Some kind of ordering system would be nice, right now it seems to be date added, which means I have to remove and re-add if I want to re-organize my connections.