Exclude replication objects from database object tree
It would be great if replication objects and MS shipped objects could be excluded from the database object tree. I don't have the "Include System Views and SPs" option checked on the connection.
Whether it's a new option or controlled by the same include system option, it would be nice to be able to exclude objects that are ismsshipped and replication objects (that don't have ismsshipped = 1 but do start with 'sp_MS') like the examples below.
-- MSreplicationobjects
-- MSreplicationsubscriptions
-- MSsubscriptionagents
from sys.tables as t
join sys.schemas as s
on t.schemaid = s.schemaid
where t.isms_shipped = 1
-- Stored procedures created by transactional replication
-- Example: spMSinsdboUNITSOFMEASURE
select *
from sys.procedures
where name like 'spMSins%'
or name like 'spMSupd%'
or name like 'spMSdel%'