Make possible to comment/uncomment code
in Visual Studio you have the ability to comment/uncomment code sections. I use this very often to test code sections.

This feature has been available for a while. Same shortcut keys as in VS.
skataben commented
My two cents (and from a right-handed mouse pov): Any code-commenting keyboard shortcut that requires your right hand is a waste of a shortcut. I really hope Ctrl+Q (either toggle or Ctrl+Shift+Q to uncomment) becomes as common for commenting as Ctrl+Z is for undo-ing.
Regardless, everyone has their own personal preferences, so it would be nice if we could customize our shortcuts in LinqPad.
Ken Hundley commented
It already has this capability.
Ctrl+E, C or Ctrl+K, C -Comment selected lines
Ctrl+E, U or Ctrl+K, U -Uncomment selected linesGoto: Help -> Keyboard/Mouse Shortcuts to get the full list