instant share should create a synced shared folder with all your shares in it
Currently if I instant share something, and want to make a small change, then I have to create new instant shares each time. Perhaps a simple solution is for linqpad to create a "shared" folder, inside that are files named according to the bitly styled instant share 38dHLx.linq etc. If I delete anything in that folder, then you (linqpad website) can delete the corresponding instant share, if I press control+u when inside a file thats an instant share, it should update? This will avoid linqpad having to create a whole web CRUD interface around "manging" my shares, or, reproducing GIST features. Perhaps another option might be a setting to allow me to update my linqpad script to ? Without being able to "update" a script, I have to contact everyone I've shared my script with to give them the latest url. No way to tell if any url has changed.
Michael Denny commented
Alan Hemmings commented
forgot to add, the reverse should also happen when clicking the instant share hyperlink, if it's your instant share, linqpad should open and display the script for editing or running, if it's someone else's then it should download and linqpad should open, and move the downloaded file to the downloads folder (next to shares), and pressing control+shift+u should get latest version of it (assuming my collegue sitting next to me give me the "Ah, just fixed it, you can grab it now" nod! ;-D ) Linqpad should also install support for .linq in chrome so that all this happens automagically, so that it's not just downloaded to my disk.