Bug detected with PGSQL provider
Sorry if not the right spot for this:
Found a bug this evening:
This query: Drivers.Where(d => d.UserId == 1)
Returns this error: "Column is null"
The generated SQL query is:
SELECT d."DriversId", d."Aggression", d."CarId", d."CarNumber", d."CreatedDate", d."CustId", d."DriverAge", d."DriverName", d."Optimism", d."PitCrewSkill", d."RosterId", d."Skill", d."Smoothness", d."StrategyRiskiness", d."UpdateDateTime", d."UserId"
FROM "Drivers" AS d
WHERE d."UserId" = 1
If I run that SQL query in DataGrip, it fails. If I delete the "GO" and run it, the query runs perfectly fine.
Further, when I test the method from my C# application, the LINQ query:
Drivers.Where(d => d.UserId == 1) works as expected and returns the objects from the database.
Again, sorry if this isn't the right place for this.