Let me close without asking if I want to save
I use LinqPad almost entirely for one-off, throwaway queries -- for example, I'll use one of our utility classes to do a quick calculation. When I close LinqPad, the "do you want to save?" prompt is a pointless annoyance.
It would be much nicer if LINQPad followed the model of how Web browsers save and restore tabs.
Never prompt me to save; just autosave my documents to a temp location and then exit.
Next time I open, give me an unobtrusive way to see my old queries and reopen them if I wish; but if I'd rather just start a new session, don't get in my way. (Or perhaps auto-reopen any named files with edits; but definitely don't reopen the untitled documents unless I ask.)
And when I close the new session, permanently discard any untitled documents from the prior session (unless I reopened them this time, in which case they'd get re-saved with this session).

This is a duplicate of http://linqpad.uservoice.com/forums/18302-linqpad-feature-suggestions/suggestions/2418780-save-restore-queries-on-close-or-manually and has been implemented for some time in LINQPad 6.
Anonymous commented
Do like sublime text. If you close the app, it will just open the same tabs when you open the application next.
Gert_Arnold commented
Notepad++ has this auto-save feature. It's the main reason why I prefer it to other text editors I used before. If I reopen Notepad++ it just returns to the state in which I left it. Linqpad does that when it crashed (or was force-closed), so I think the feature is within reach.
Drew Noakes commented
Actually, this is a duplicate of this request:
I'm going to apply my comment and votes there instead.
Drew Noakes commented
Came here to say this. I would love this feature. I've taken to closing LINQPad from Task Manager so that when I reopen it, my query tabs are back to how they were when I left off. Please add this feature! The autosave/restore stuff is already there, so hopefully it's just a config setting and UI change.