Add Empty or Blank as option for "Style sheet for text (HTML) results"
There are some instances where I want to have more control of the HTML formatting in the results window. For example, I am testing generating some HTML emails and need a blank slate to see what it would look like. I would like the option to not have ANY of the default styles added to the results window. I can always copy the ones I need into the stylesheet editor. I hope this would be a simple feature to add :) A Util method to dump into a new Results window tab (like the data grid does) but with no styles would also work perfectly for my case. Thanks!
Paul Wheeler commented
So I found a workaround for anyone interested.
Util.RawHtml($"<iframe id='iframe1' width='100%' height='1000px' srcdoc=\"{rawHtmlYouWantDisplayedWithNoDoubleQuotes}\"></iframe>").Dump();