Add an option to not display secure strings in the results pane
Short version:
I would like to have an option in LInqpad that would stop it from displaying a SecureString as plaintext in the results pane so that my ActiveDirectory password is not revealed when I .Dump() an object that contains an ICredentials member.
Longer description
So, Linqpad has become my favorite c# test/scripting/training workbench. I often use it to explore new API's
I noticed something today was kind of a bummer -- I was working with a co-worker on the TFS API. I .Dump()'d a TFS object that contained credentials, and there was my AD password in the results grid, for both of us to see!
The password was a SecureString, not a regular one, so I was thinking that LinqPad must have some code in it to decrypt it for display. If there were an option to keep it opaque, or maybe make it opaque by default, and only show the decrypted contents of a SecureString if you click on it, it would really help.
I know that might sound like kind of an obscure case, but I use LinqPad often for collaboration and even training, so it's not uncommon for me to .Dump() an object when I have LinqPad on a projector.