Integrate web query sharing
Would be cool if we could share queries to frineds through instant messaging in a similar way that Small Basic does it:
it will store the query on a server somewhere and give a short link you can hand out for people to use.

Done! File | Upload to instant share.
pete commented
Make Instant Share utilize HTTPS.
HTTP is prone MITM atacks when on public Wi-Fi.
Listen to Troy Hunt explaining the thing on Hanselminutes #372: -
Chris Gårdenberg commented
This is implemented in the latest version (4.43.06).
Under "File" you have "Upload to Instant share", which gives you a short link that you can hand out. -
Maxwell Bloch commented
Voted along with support for local include:
This suggestion: gist bookmarks in treeview
Also suggested: inline include
/// <link rel="include" src="gist:12345678"/>
// #include gist:12345678 -
MikeS commented
Maybe a protocol handler that loads from
Vindana commented
Perhaps we can use SkyDrive?