User-defined mapping of keyboard shortcuts
Visual Studio has this. It would be lovely to have the same key combinations achieve the same effect across different programs. Hardwired shortcuts are a bit provincial, and problematic for aging neurons.
Justin commented
Yes, it is an amazing program, but I was very surprised when I found out that I couldn't customize my shortcuts. I imagine too that this would be an issue for accessibility.
Hans Salvisberg commented
Keyboard mapping: yes!
Time and again I hit Alt-Backspace, which is typically Undo (in Visual Studio, Word, etc.; same as Ctrl-Z), but in LinqPad it activates the menu — this throws me off completely!
Tmeed-El commented
This is essential. Custom keyboard shortcuts, those who use Linqpad are programmers with our own styles and preferences of working. Ensure single stroke keys F1-F12 are assignable and numpad keys as well.
Christopher Jackson commented
I also would like to use Ctrl-W as Joshua described.
Joshua Ball commented
I just can't quite make the stretch to close tabs with Ctrl-F4. Ctrl-W would be nice ;-)
Scott Gartner commented
Scott Gartner commented
Shoot, I missed this one when I just submitted my own suggestion for this.
John Grant commented
I would like to see the option to remapp commands to user defined shortcuts too. Similiar to Visual Studios options -> keyboard shortcuts dialog. Great product. Thanks!
Jim Goff commented
As a linqpad newbie, the shortcut giving me the most trouble is when I try to accept an intellisense suggestion. I just downloaded the lastest beta and tested the behavior of intellisense. In VS 2008, <Enter>, <Ctrl+Enter>, & <Tab> all work to accept the suggestion. I am partial to <Ctrl+Enter> which works for the URL dropdown in MS IE and all my other development environments. I the latest beta, only <Enter> matches its behavior in VS 2008. I hope the other two make it into the beta. Thanks.
Keyboard shortcuts in the latest beta have been aligned with VS - although they're not as yet customizable.