1190 results found
Make Connection Dropdown Searchable
Many of our testing and production environments have well over 50 to 100 databases. Manually scrolling through the tree is tedious and scrolling through the Connection dropdown is not feasible. If the Connection dropdown was searchable, it would be far faster to hit alt+c, start typing, and hit enter to open that database.
3 votes -
Implement rainbow braces as in Viasfora
Using Viasfora in VS2019 and have to say it's a brilliant extension. Would be great if you could implement something similar in LINQPad.
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Embed-able LINQPad
Similar to the "embed linqpad as a control" suggestion, which would be nice, but I'm looking for a formal method of embedding LINQPad in the same AppDomain as the host. I've been running LINQPad embedded in Rhino3D for years, not as a user control but via the ExecuteAssembly method on the AppDomain (with process isolation disabled in LINQPad). Simply invaluable. Ever since the new separate process architecture was implemented in LINQPad my previous hack no longer works.
It would be great if there was a simple hook in LINQPad.exe that we could call to run LINQPad in the host applications…
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Auto scroll doesnt work with a changing DumpContainer
Updating content of a DumpContainer doesn't trigger an auto scroll.
Run this code in c# statements or c# program mode:
Util.AutoScrollResults = true; var container = new DumpContainer().Dump(); var builder = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { container.Content = builder .AppendLine($"{DateTime.Now:fff}") .ToString(); Thread.Sleep(150); }
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outline code in the top of the query editor in a dropdown
in visual studio when A file is opened in the top of the window for the current file there's a dropdown that you can easily navigate into functions / procedures / etc, like a outline of your current file
anyhow, in linqpad the unique dropdowns are to code (C#, VBNET, …) - that In my case I just use C# or sql and another one for connection -> both I believe that are useful - but I don't even use/change in most scripts
so having a 3rd one (since connections takes a lot of space - or choose between connections…3 votes -
Compiler error CS0570 - referenced .NET Standard assembly method returns value tuple
For example, trying to use the following method defined in a .NET Standard assembly:
public static (object o, string objectName, string category)[] GetTestObjects() => ...
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Timestamp on SQL tab
Display a timestamp for each SQL statement on the SQL tab so that the user can see when and how long between each command was executed.
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Provide way to set resiliency options
With SQL Azure in general and now specifically with the new serverless option it would be great to be able to enable the various ADO.NET and EF Core resiliency options so that you do not get a timeout on startup or when there is a transient failure. Both are just settings for number of times to retry, the retry interval, etc.
For EF Core with SQL you can use something like
sqlServerOptionsAction: sqlOptions =>
maxRetryCount: 18,
maxRetryDelay: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5),
errorNumbersToAdd: null);
})In ADO.NET you can do it in the connection string parameters
Thank you
3 votes -
Custom Aggregates in Dump override
Possibility to add custom aggregates like sum, average over custom types for the Dump method.
Currently you get a sum/average underneath columns containing int's etc. (except if they are formatted through ToDump).
It would be nice to do something similar as ToDump for custom types, and or types like TimeSpans, Dates, etc.
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Allow direct export of results as PDF
I don't often want or need to save the output from a LinqPad script, but when I do I almost invariably need to end up with a PDF that will be sent to someone else. The current export options (Excel, Word, HTML) get the job done but require an additional step. It would be really nice if LinqPad could export directly to PDF
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Add back the App.config dialog
I use LINQPad to work with libraries based on previous versions of .NET, and it would be helpful to be able to edit the App.config like I could in LINQPad 5.
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Reset window layout
Would like to request a "Reset Window Layout" option. Very helpful when comparing between multiple tabs to have them all of the same height/width etc.
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Allow for negative numbers in the 'Show Graph' feature
The 'Show Graph' feature is brilliant quickly comparing the relative size of numbers, but it does not work well for negative numbers. It would be great if negative numbers showed extending to the left (and perhaps in red) with positive numbers showing to the right of some imaginary zero-point line. (Thanks for a great product!)
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Input delay when editing large files
Great software, use it every day. Couldn't do without. I may be on the edge of what's reasonable in usage, but when editing files of 500+ lines some input delay occurs. CPU usage is 100%+ on a Intel i9 when typing. Input delay disappears when setting "Show completion list after typing a letter" to false.
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Support Multiple Desktops on Windows 10
Windows supports multiple desktops. This is a useful feature when working on a single monitor. The results grid on LINQPad 6 bleed through regardless of which "Desktop" your are running. Switching desktops (using the Task View button on the Windows toolbar) while running LINQPad 6 leaves the results grid always visible.
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Export the Result window as an image.
Utils.SaveResultWindowImage(string filename, int x, int y, int width, int height)
This can then be used as a simple image rendering service.
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Boolean Util.CurrentQuery.IsSaved to indicate if current query is dirty or saved
Just a boolean indicating whether the current query is "dirty" or saved: basically wired to the star on the tab title.
My use case is that my script, after executing, saves its artifacts and itself in a zip file (for posterior usage). It would help me if the first lines of my script would be "Oops, you didn't save the current query -> return".
Thank you.
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High DPI icons
While text scales nicely, icons look awful on a 4K monitor.
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Add ability to collapse/fold F# functions/modules/types
I absolutely love LINQPad and I use it every day! Great job!
I was wondering if it would be possible to add code folding support for F# - often times I end up with large scripts and navigating around the code can get difficult without code folding.
Kind regards,
George Danila.3 votes -
Support Integrated Windows Authentication for NuGet Package Managers
My "in-house" (ProGet) NuGet package source supports Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA). When I try to connect to it I get an authorized response.
I can try basic authentication, but I would rather not have LinqPad remember my network credentials.
3 votes
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