463 search results
Include the current query name (if saved) to the title bar
Ctrl + E as alternative execute query shortcut
Physical DB Data Model View
Have last line query text scroll to top of Window
Ability to turn off automatic population of DataContext with each query run
Add confirmation to closing more then query at a time
Navigate To/Control- to Search and Create New Query for Connection
remote desktop for Linqpad - execute linq queries on a remote machine
Support any file type in the editor tabs and query explorer.
Allow to execute query in 'release' mode · completed
Have dropbox / onedrive integration for saved queries
Allow the LINQ expression tree to be modified before executing the query. I
Edit appsettings.json directly in query properties window in LINQPad 6
Extension for bulk update/delete/insert queries
Show .sql files in "My Queries" tree · completed
Have a short tutorial on how to query a Sql Server database
Add suport for using LINQPad for logparser queries
Leave the time it took for the query to complete after completion.
Implement the SQL view for queries against a Teradata database
Show the default namespaces and assembly references in the query properties · completed