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LINQPad Feature Suggestions

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LINQPad Feature Suggestions


1195 results found

  1. 12 votes

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  2. 'System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject' does not contain a definition for 'Dump'

    Can this be added? (Is it possible?)

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  3. I have a lot of database connections that contain a lot of databases. This means my database drop down contains a lot of databases.

    It would be nice to be able to put the connection in a disconnected state and the databases in that connection would not show up in the database list.

    Then you would be able to "reconnect" or "enable" the connection and the database would be available again.

    This way I can leave all my connection configured and only "enable" or "connect" to the database that I need to work with.

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  4. implementing auto-conversion from c# to VB when switching the input-code-type would be the tip of the iceberg for this great thought through linkpad-tool - but probably also really challenging for master Joe
    But also without that - Thanks for that really cool working- and education-tool
    regards from germany

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  5. It's a very common problem to have to combine CSV files together. A data context that allowed you to add multiple CSV files and generate a static acessor off column names would be incredible useful

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  6. It's one of the best Text Editors out there and instead of having LinqPad adding some of it's great features like:

    • auto page save
    • super fast with files over 50.000 rows
    • word selection
    • multiple word editor
    • fantastic plugins base
    • super light

    it would be great if we can just point where our LinqPad connections and let Sublime do the rest :)

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  7. Util.ReadLines() is very useful - it can make my codes interactive.
    But this method allows to input only one line.

    I want a method like Util.ReadLines()...
    This method appears multi-line text box under the result pane.
    And it accepts multi-line text input. Pressing Enter key just puts a newline,
    and Ctrl-Enter key is for submit the input.

    I think this idea should expand usability of LINQPad.

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  8. See this:

    In a project I'm working on now, I've added a custom ToString() to a datatype in the datacontext, by using a partial class. The class I'm extending has a lot of foreign keys, including a one-to-many relationship. My custom ToString() fetches all the related objects and creates a single, userfriendly string for display, all on one line. If I could use LINQPad to inspect that table, it would make life so much easier. I mean, if I could add .Select(o => o.ToString()) to my queries, and have it use my own custom ToString.

    But the specifics of…

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  9. It should be useful a GetPassword overload that does not prompt password if it not exists but simply return null.
    Consider to add a method Decript or rename GetPassword because it should be used to store other types of data (connectionstrings, usernames ect...).

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  10. It wasn't obvious but I found that I can zoom the syntax tree diagram via the scroll wheel, and that it centres the zoom around the cursor.
    However this really needs the ability to pan too - I'd suggest panning with MMB-drag or RMB-drag.
    Either that or add scrollbars...

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  11. Multiple Contexts - without cross queries.

    I think it would be nice to be able to have multiple database connections/contexts. This would be handy in Azure where you can't do cross database queries anyway.

    It would just make pulling data from one database into memory and comparing against another easier...

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  12. I often use LinqPad as a text processor, where I have a method that returns a large set of data, for example:

    void Main()

    // Define other methods and classes here
    private List<string> GetWords() {
    var list = new List<string>();

    // ... x 500 more lines

    return list;


    In LinqPad4 this is fine. In LinqPad5, with the regular or "any CPU" install, this bogs down or becomes permanently unresponsive.

    Here is an example query, though I have experienced a slowdown in typing and intellisense with as few as 200 lines.

    Again, works…

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  13. Currently the beta (7.5.7) feature for benchmarking appears to only support C#. Please add the same functionality to F# as well.

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  14. Very useful to get a sense of what querys produce what SQL.

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  15. I just bought the autocompletion but I'm disappointed by the fact that LinqPad catches key combinations that I use to enter polish national characters (namely ALT-S). I'd like to be able to turn off this keyboard shortcut or redefine it. The ALT-something shortcuts are very risky as Windows often uses them for the national characters. And it's annoying when instead of just entering a letter into the editor window it activates SQL panel. PLEASE fix it.

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  16. You can open ILSpy, load an assembly and navigate to a Type using the following command line:
    ilspy "%userprofile%\documents\linqpad.exe" /navigateTo:T:LINQPad.Log

    You will need to be able to configure the path to ILSpy in the Config as it can be installed anywhere.
    More ILSpy command line support is here:

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  17. I'd like to be able to have linqpad running on my app and sql servers and be able to securely execute my linqpad script on a remote machine, e.g. on sql server 1, or my hosting server (x), I'd run linqpad as a service, on my dev machine, I'd I want to be able to write a query and test it on my dev, box, then when I'm happy with it, I want to run it securely agains the remote box, and this is the critical part, so that the queries all run (locally) on the remote box without the…

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  18. When storing .LINQ files in source control, running them on multiple machines end up checking in minor changes very often, due to the absolute path of relative references also being stored, like this:

    <Reference Relative="..\..\MDA.Cards\bin\Debug\MDA.Cards.dll">D:\dev\VS.NET\MtGDeckAnalyzer\MDA.Cards\bin\Debug\MDA.Cards.dll</Reference>

    I suggest you don't store the absolute path when you also got the Relative attribute, so that the programs only change when you actually make a change, and not change because you happen to run them on a computer with a different path setup.

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  19. Often I want to search through all column names on all tables. For example, I'll know there is a 'description' column in my database, but I don't know what table it is on. I'd like to be able to start typing "desc" and have it show any columns containing the text "desc", and the table that column is on, and it's type. Much like ReSharper's Goto Symbol function.

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  20. Have an option that formats the sql statements just like in sql management studio

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