Support IntelliSense for F# too!
Please add F# support in this area! In a language where the types are almost always inferred (rather than almost always declared), something to show currently inferred typing would be a huge plus! Not to mention the usual autocomplete on library elements etc.

A LINQPad beta with F# autocompletion and tooltips is now out! Please report any bugs that you find. Download here:
Anonymous commented
+1, we NEED this.
Gordon commented
Anonymous commented
F# is a natural complement in that regard.
Huw commented
George commented
This would be very nice indeed! -
Anonymous commented
Please add intellisense for F#! Would make an already good product - GREAT!
Alex Mumme commented
Intellisense for F# would be a fantastic feature, especially if you could support F# 3's Type Providers. It would make this already great data tool even more amazing!
Andrew Brackley commented
+1 for intellisense for F#. It would also be great if there was a way to see the function definition too i.e.
let add x y = x + yWould display:
val add : x:int -> y:int -> intCould just be a tooltip.
Schuster-Rainer commented
Have a look at the opensource implementation for MonoDevelop and emacs
Tuomas Hietanen commented
Here are some interesting blog posts from Tomas' blog about implementing syntax highlighting and intellisense to F#: -
codekaizen commented
This will be especially useful when F# 3.0 is available.
Miguel commented
LINQPad helped me learn LINQ in a matter of days (once I activated the intellisense). Intellisense for F# would greatly help me learn F#, please add it.