Supporting the *.csx script file format natively in LinqPad would be super helpful to me. The ability to run *.csx files on any platform that .NET supports makes it the ideal scripting file. With that said I still enjoy using LinqPad as my editor/debugger for all the reasons that make LinqPad great. It would be great if the csx script files supported a simple external file import statement that contained all the LinqPad specific configuration settings that today are in the header of the *.linq file. Bonus points for the include script added support for LinqPad native functionality in the Util class. I realize that some functions within that class require LinqPad so a runtime check with exception if executed outside of LinqPad would be fine.
Supporting the *.csx script file format natively in LinqPad would be super helpful to me. The ability to run *.csx files on any platform that .NET supports makes it the ideal scripting file. With that said I still enjoy using LinqPad as my editor/debugger for all the reasons that make LinqPad great. It would be great if the csx script files supported a simple external file import statement that contained all the LinqPad specific configuration settings that today are in the header of the *.linq file. Bonus points for the include script added support for LinqPad native functionality in the Util class. I realize that some functions within that class require LinqPad so a runtime check with exception if executed outside of LinqPad would be fine.
#load "./linqpad.csx";