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LINQPad Feature Suggestions

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LINQPad Feature Suggestions


1187 results found

  1. I frequently find myself using plain SQL instead of LINQ (some queries are just easier and faster to write). It would be great to have an option that if the result set only contained one row to format it as a single entity in the vertical format instead of the horizontal format. Essentially, it would look the same way if you were to call Table.First(), where all the properties are listed vertically and you only have to scroll down. This would make it much easier to scroll through tables that have many columns when I'm only selecting one row from…

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  2. DumpContainer is cool, but it's not convenient to new a DumpContainer() and set the Content.
    Please support Dump(string containerName).

    Like this:

    public static class DumpExtensions
    public static Dictionary<string, DumpContainer> dict = new Dictionary<string, LINQPad.DumpContainer> { };

    public static T Dump<T>(this T obj, string description, string containerName)
        if (!dict.ContainsKey(containerName))
            dict[containerName] = new DumpContainer().Dump();
        dict[containerName].Content = obj;
        return obj;


    // Then I can simplely print 1-100 in 5 containers

    void Main()
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
    i.Dump("", (i%5).ToString());

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  3. LINGQPad could be a perfect tool for Unity game development. Not so much the free version but the debugger capabilities gives people an edge with development aswell faster learning capabilities.

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  4. I would love to be able to add a reference to a LINQPad script similar to how you would add a project reference in Visual Studio. This would be like the My Extensions script, but rather than global, it would be a selective inclusion.

    Main() would not be called, but any types/methods would be available in the referencing script.

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  5. Seems like it would be handy to have a way to search the datagrid contents.

    You can use ctrl-f in the standard results but that doesn't appear to work when viewing datagrids.

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  6. Would be nice to be able to use JsonObject properties to query data inside LINQPad.

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  7. e.g. with the signature "T Dump<T>(Func<T, object> whatToDump)"

    This can then be used to dump a particular part of an object: "person.Dump(p => p.Name)", but the original value is still the result.

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  8. 1 vote

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  9. Exit insert mode when autocomplete pop-up is visible. Currently, escape just exits the pop-up and not insert mode.

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  10. It would be nice to have comment slashes (//) prepended to the first non-whitespace character of a line rather than the beginning of the line.


    Current functionality - Before using the comment shortcut:
    void Main()

    Current functionality - After using the comment shortcut:
    void Main()

    Desired functionality - After using the comment shortcut:
    void Main()

    • Sorry for the awkward 'regex'-like values representing a space. This wasn't posting with all the spaces.
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  11. VIM Visual Mode:
    Type V and hit three times L.
    Linqpad selects only 3 characters, whereas the original vim would select 4.

    VIM Search replace:
    To replace stuff within the current selection, type in VIM

    New Shortcuts:
    ALT+J / ALT+K navigates to the left / right query tab.

    Thanks for this awesome tool!

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  12. Allow for using a cached schema rather than refresh each time a query is opened. I often run the same query to generate a report each morning. It takes longer for the schema (which is unchanged) to load than it does for the query to execute. It would be a nice option to save this schema information locally and refresh on command to account for any changes.

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  13. I work with a lot of translations and use LINQPad to process CSV files and it would be a nice feature to see characters fromChinese, Korean in the output.

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  14. I recently write a web crawler which fetches data from website and store into the database. Since I have already had some same kind of data in the database, I have to use linq to detect whether or not the data fetched from website has already been in the database. Here comes the problem: every times the compiler runs into the Linq expression against the database table, it seems like it generates a new instance of the database, and not disposing it after leaving the brackets. Thus the query at some point would ran out of the memory. I rewrite…

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  15. Given a SQL Connection String is in the clipboard:,1433;Database=my-initial-catalog;User ID=user@my-sql-azure-sql-server-name;Password=ALRh2AxHV6f8;Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30;

    When the "Server" property of the connection string or equivalent ends with ",1433" then the assumption that this database server is a SQL Azure connection string and automatically select the "SQL Azure" radio button at the top of the "LINQPad Connection" dialog box.

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  16. In v4.57, the following feature was added:
    * When working with Entity Framework DbContext connections, references and collections loaded with the .Include method now automatically expand.

    It would be good if we could optionally set "Collapse to 2 Nesting Levels" as the default

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  17. Currently in the beta charting works really nice, except it is not possible to add an extra XY set, only a Y set can be added using .AddYSeries.

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  18. Please add support for

    Thank you.

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  19. I'd like to be able to configure the transparency of the CTRL key when the Intellisense window pops up.

    The problem I have is, I use Emacs key bindings and CTRL+N and CTRL+P interfere with my UP/DOWN navigation scrolling through the Intellisense list. It's annoying trying to move up and down and the pop up keeps fading to transparent.

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  20. I am compiling code with CSharpCodeProvider and getting error CS1701 with message like that: Assuming assembly reference 'Microsoft.Owin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' matches 'Microsoft.Owin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35', you may need to supply runtime policy.
    In Visual Studio information stored in assemblyBinding section of app.config resolves this problem.
    How to fix that in LINQPad.

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