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LINQPad Feature Suggestions

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LINQPad Feature Suggestions


1195 results found

  1. I would like to be able to initialize a LINQPad SelectBox (MultiSelect) by specifying the indexes to be selected initially. Could we get SelectBox.SetSelectedIndexes( int[] indices ) and SelectBox.MergeSelectedIndexes( int[] indices ) methods?

    I think to understand this will require some JavaScript coding. Please refer to my sample below:

    private string _mergeSelectedIndexesScript = @"function mergeSelectedIndexes(id, indices) {
    var select = document.getElementById(id);
    var options = select && select.options;
    var opt;
    var found;
    for (var i=0, iLen=options.length; i<iLen; i++) {
    opt = options[i];
    found = false;
    for (var j=0, jLen=indices.length; j<jLen; j++) {
    if (indices[j]== i) {
    opt.selected = true;

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  2. Rather than explicitly writing to a log file, I often just export the dump window after running a query.

    I have not found a way to programmatically create this export - something like

    Util.ExportDump(filename, ExportFormat.Html).

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  3. Example:
    public AttributeValue(Position start, Position end, string rawValue, /QuoteKind quoteKind,/ bool expression)

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  4. Don't automatically update and relaunch from a registered product to a newer version we don't have the license for.

    I appreciate the product but this is an appalling show-stopping bug guys.

    I've disabled automatic updates for 9001 days to "temporarily" fix the problem but I shouldn't have to do this.

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    1. Open the context menu when a tab is right clicked, even if it is not the current tab.

    2. Have a close tab button (visual studio style X) on each tab.

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  5. It would be great to have an option to generate entity framework core's dbcontext and entity classes from tables and views.

    The option can be added on right click on Table(s) or schema. Or by right clicking and selecting the tables/schemas.

    This should generate Db Context class containing DbSets for entity types generated along with mapping in OnModelCreating override.

    The dbcontext and entity classes can generated in single file or multiple files in the linqpad.

    Moreover, almost all the commands in dotnet ef utility can be added e.g. dbcontext scaffold, migrations (add, remove), update database etc.

    These would help increasing…

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  6. 6 votes

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  7. It would be nice to have the Entity Framework 6 driver back in Linqpad 6, since EF6 now also targets netstandard 2.1.

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  8. Dynamically skippable tests are nice, but their status isn't reflected in the results. To support XUnit.SkippableFact (NUGET-package):

    Make the following changes in xunit:

    1. function RunTests - add:
      runner.OnTestSkipped = info => AddTestResult(info);

    2. class TestResultSummary - add:
      public bool Skipped() => _testInfo is Xunit.Runners.TestSkippedInfo;

    3. TestResultSummary / public object Status - add:
      _testInfo is Xunit.Runners.TestSkippedInfo ? Util.WithStyle ("Skipped", "color:orange") :

    To test it:

    void Test_Xunit3()
    Skip.If(true, "skipping");
    Assert.True(1 + 1 == 2);

    void Test_Xunit4(int x)
    Skip.If(x==2, "skipping");
    Assert.True(1 + 1 == 2);

    Note: Those changes will also work with the plain XUnit. So adding…

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  9. Instead of a single default script folder, the app could use multiple sources where the script list at the bottom left would load from, the default folder is mostly for saving new scripts only.

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  10. Please speed up the My Queries 'Go To' (search). I have about 0.5 GB of snippets and I need the search to be faster (maybe run it in parallel. The speed needs to be improved especially when searching content. LINQPad is amazing BTW!

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  11. In the left hand window (where add connection... is), it would be great allowing to structure the connections in "sub folders" - I have already 38 connections searching all the time for the right one.

    Or at least, a way to move them up or down so I have the most important ones at the top.

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  12. If possible allow group tabs to a debugginggroup. Then allow to singlestep "F11" debug over all tabs in this group.

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  13. If I get an Error I have sometimes to count the position with the cursor. For other situations it would be helpful the get besides the cursor position the selected length of the text.
    I would like something like "Pos:( 1/ 12) Len: 13" or "Cursor: 1 / 12 / 13" in a statusbar etc.

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  14. In Connection properties -> Advanced, you can copy the full connection string to the clipboard. That is great, but from time to time I require to do the opposite: Copy a connection string from appsettings.json of my current .NET CORE EF project. It is kind of cumbersome having to copy the multiple parts into the dialog, and would be fantastic if the full connection string could be edited (e.g. in a text box).

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  15. When launching LINQPad, it opens to a new empty query. I'd like that query to be automatically closed/discarded when I open a pre-existing query instead (from the My Queries panel).

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  16. Most of my LINQPad scripts do not use a database connection... so I'd like to be able to set a preference to close the connection panel (top left).

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  17. It would be really awesome if we could set custom font size for the the result window.

    I know there is option to increase/decrease fonts, but it would be great if I could simply set the size/font that works for me and not have to change it manually for each Result window.

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  18. 10 votes

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  19. Some NuGet packages load native assemblies at run-time that are expected to be in a specific folder relative to the root folder. This makes LINQpad incompatible with these packages as LINQpad does not maintain the folder structure.

    Having the ability to explicitly add a folder rather than a file to a query will allow you to maintain the folder structure the NuGet package expects.

    I also had to implement a similar workaround to use some methods in the ML.NET libraries (tensorflow related).

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