1205 results found
Laundy list of desired features:
Laundry list of desired features:
- Export Query to Dotnet SDK Project.
- Import / Export CSX (C# Script) Files
- Incorporate the C# Interactive Runtime and add immediate window, Like Visual Studio. Would be a huge help during debugging.
- Add Unit Test Management with support for MSTest, nUnit and xUnit projects.
- Seriously consider adding a Report Builder. LinqPad is already 75% of the way to replacing MS Access. This could put the nail in the coffin for MS Access.
4 votes -
Please add a mode to the Output panel to render Markdown that is emitted from code.
I like to format error messages and other output with Markdown to make it easier to create reports from code (I typically use LinqPad to free-hand test code and apply weird edge cases or explorer difficult bugs). Seein my output properly formatted will help me and my clients visual what their code is doing. And adding support to render PlantUML would also rock.
4 votes -
util's saved string browser
Utils.SaveString is awesome, but would be nice to have some kind of viewer/browser to see what is being stored
3 votes -
Add option to format document on save
Have a setting to format document on save.
In visual studio I use codemaid and whenever I save files it formats them.
Would be nice as one of those menu elements with a checkmark beside them.4 votes -
Asynchronous Util.Cache overloads
Given that a natural thing to cache would be a download of a file, being able to use the asynchronous methods of HttpClient inside the Util.Cache delegate, without shortcircuiting with .GetAwaiter().GetResult() would be nice.
6 votes -
Treat folder shortcuts in "My Queries" folder as subfolder
I use LINQPad like any other code environment. As such I need to keep code repositories segregated. It would be helpful to be able to jump from one folder to the next without have to reconfigure LINQPad My Queries location. Am guessing there would be quite a challenge to the Search My Queries functionality... I would not expect the search to also search these "subfolders".
1 vote -
Output LINQ/C# text as a comment into the generated SQL
SQL Server keeps track of all queries, including the text. Sometimes queries don't work as expected (timeout, errors, etc.) but sometimes it's also very useful to have a record of everything that is done as a log. I see the generated SQL. I'd like to know the C# that was entered into the query window. As an option, could you add this as a comment?
4 votes -
Pin scripts - like chrome tabs.
I use 4 keys scripts to do my job every day. Every day I need to open these and order them how I like. Great if I could pin them like Chrome tabs
7 votes -
Jetbrains Plugin
As an avid user of Jetbrains, I'm always looking for things that are integrated with jetbrains (mostly for my key/vim bindings). Would it be reasonable to make this a plugin so we could use some of the functionality from within the IDE?
2 votes -
offer an "all open documents" option in Find/Replace dialog
Now you can only find and replace in the current document, but it would be useful to search in all opened scripts.
1 vote -
make Linqpad opensource ...
... so we can fix the things that annoy us ourselves. I'm tired of seeing the same annoyances year after year, unfixed
1 vote -
IL output could show storage too
Comparing the IL C#1 view to ILSpy, the one thing (other than font) that makes it easier to understand in ILSpy is that it includes output for the fields storage, e.g. the IL C#1 for the expression
await Console.In.ReadLineAsync()
generates a MoveNext that refers to fields we can't see the definition for in LinqPad but can see in ILSpy.3 votes -
Add two additional shortcuts in code editing area, current row move up and down
While working on code I really missing the way to raise current row one position up and down by shortcut. The simplest and well known shortcut for that is alt-arrow-up and alt-arrow-down.
1 vote -
I would like to be able to initialize a LINQPad SelectBox (MultiSelect) by specifying the indexes to be selected initially.
I would like to be able to initialize a LINQPad SelectBox (MultiSelect) by specifying the indexes to be selected initially. Could we get SelectBox.SetSelectedIndexes( int[] indices ) and SelectBox.MergeSelectedIndexes( int[] indices ) methods?
I think to understand this will require some JavaScript coding. Please refer to my sample below:
private string _mergeSelectedIndexesScript = @"function mergeSelectedIndexes(id, indices) {
var select = document.getElementById(id);
var options = select && select.options;
var opt;
var found;
for (var i=0, iLen=options.length; i<iLen; i++) {
opt = options[i];
found = false;
for (var j=0, jLen=indices.length; j<jLen; j++) {
if (indices[j]== i) {
opt.selected = true;
}…0 votes -
Allow exporting dump window programmatically.
Rather than explicitly writing to a log file, I often just export the dump window after running a query.
I have not found a way to programmatically create this export - something like
Util.ExportDump(filename, ExportFormat.Html).
3 votes -
Comment/Uncomment selected text only
public AttributeValue(Position start, Position end, string rawValue, /QuoteKind quoteKind,/ bool expression)1 vote -
Disable Automatic Update when the update would deregister the product
Don't automatically update and relaunch from a registered product to a newer version we don't have the license for.
I appreciate the product but this is an appalling show-stopping bug guys.
I've disabled automatic updates for 9001 days to "temporarily" fix the problem but I shouldn't have to do this.
3 votes -
Open the context menu when a tab is right clicked, even if it is not the current tab.
Have a close tab button (visual studio style X) on each tab.
1 vote -
Add feature to generate entity framework core db context and entity classes...
It would be great to have an option to generate entity framework core's dbcontext and entity classes from tables and views.
The option can be added on right click on Table(s) or schema. Or by right clicking and selecting the tables/schemas.
This should generate Db Context class containing DbSets for entity types generated along with mapping in OnModelCreating override.
The dbcontext and entity classes can generated in single file or multiple files in the linqpad.
Moreover, almost all the commands in dotnet ef utility can be added e.g. dbcontext scaffold, migrations (add, remove), update database etc.
These would help increasing…
2 votes -
6 votes
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