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LINQPad Feature Suggestions

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LINQPad Feature Suggestions


260 results found

  1. I believe disabling windows 11 SAC Smart App Control, should be mentioned in the Antivirus Performance Test as it has severe impact on performance even when utilizing DEV drive. Turning it off made the test go from ~ 400 ms to < 1 ms on my laptop

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  2. Occasionally, I directly use SQL to query data. However, changing the connection for SQL files annoyingly marks the query as unsaved.

    Since connection info does not persist for SQL files, marking it as dirty to denote a state change seems unnecessary.

    The query should only be marked as unsaved if there is a change in the editor's content.

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  3. We should have a way to customize or change these shortcuts. If that is difficult, could it be switched to Ctrl+MouseUp or Ctrl+Click?

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  4. when printing to the output shell / console the font is not mono spaced, please change with a mono spaced or offer to select a font

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  5. I was benchmarking some code which happened to throw an exception and noticed that the exception stack trace has been formatted to replace the line number with a clickable link that goes to that line in my query.


    ![]( "")

    That's a pretty handy feature and I was wondering if the same thing could be done with the unhandled exception message handler?

    The FormatException code in BenchmarkDotNet.linq only works for lines in the current query (which would probably cover the vast majority of cases), but doesn't work with #loaded scripts, but the stack trace in the debugger can…

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  6. Under Preferences -> Advanced -> "Don't show Undo availibility message when restoring queries", the word "availibility" is spelled incorrectly. It should be "availability".

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  7. With the evolution of .NET to support cross-platform development, enabling developers to build and run applications across Windows, Linux, and macOS, I believe now is an opportune time to consider developing a version of LINQPad for macOS.

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  8. Hide SQL Server internal tables related to replication unless the "Include system Tables, Views, and SPs" option is checked for the connection. These objects are currently being included in the tables list even though they are internal system objects that have ismsshipped = 1 in the sys.objects table. Examples include dbo.sysarticles, dbo.syssubscriptions, dbo.MSpeerrequest, dbo.MSpubidentity_range, and many others.

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  9. Spelling underlines interfere with pattern editing/selections and constitute visual clutter. Patterns and, possibly, input texts are seldom valid to a spellchecker. Moreover, if you try to open the settings from the spelling right-click menu, the page is invalid.

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  10. Great product, just found a small bug. The Chart Dump is incorrectly being applied to everything dumped after it in this case.

    void Main()
        var a = new[] { 1, 2, 3 }
        .Dump() // adding THIS dumb caused the bug.  remove this and the errorous grouping goes away.
        a.Chart().Dump("This desc should only be chart");
        a.Dump("this is nested...");
        a.Dump("this too.");
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  11. 1 vote

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  12. Update FSharp.Compiler.Service used by LINQPad so that string interpolation in F# starts to work. Current version used is, which is rather old.

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  13. Add ability to filter NuGet search results in the LINQPad NuGet Manager to filter the results to show only the Author/Publisher/"Created By" value specified by either keyword pattern(s) in the search boxes or from a drop-down of all authors/publishers/"created by" values that match the current search results. There have been many times I've wanted to limit the results to just Microsoft or another well-known publisher.

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  14. Currently, the only way to display and update a chart in a DumpContainer is to call chart.ToBitmap() and set the DumpContainer's content to the bitmap. This is workable, but the call to ToBitmap (which in turn calls ToWebChart) overrides many of the attributes of the underlying chart (color palette, axis intervals, etc.). This severely limits the configurability of the charting function.

    I know that one solution is to use ToWindowsChart(), modify the attributes that I want to change, and then dump the Windows Chart, but this opens up another visualizer. I'd like to just be able to set the Content…

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  15. Recently, .NET 5 released with an native ARM64 on Windows. If LINQPad supports native ARM64 support, it will be great.

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  16. .. while writing this explanation I noticed that my Async void Main() had an incorrect return type.

    After changing it to Task, everything works as expected.

    Could you please report it as an error when or warning (green squigly) when writing "async void Main" and suggest "async Task Main" instead ?

    When doing the void' version, Linqpad executes and never waits - so the program completes, but run in the background...

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  17. When I turn on compiler optimizations the query timer disappears. This might be intentional. However, when I disable compiler optimizations the query timer remains hidden. Restarting the application shows the timer again.

    I'm using v6.9.15 Pro Edition.

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  18. I happened upon the feature yesterday randomly by clicking on the Help menu. It would be awesome if it either got moved to a context menu action or even a new menu group (Tools for instance) for better visibility.

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  19. Please make a hotkey for reconnect current selected database in connection dropdown.

    I often loose connection to database. Sometimes I intentionally have to break connection by turning off VPN. Sometimes I do something else in between and connection times out. Then I have to de-select and re-select the same database connection in the dropdown. It's a bit annoying to do this 20 times in a day since it breaks the work flow. Having a hotkey for this would make things smooth.

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  20. I already own a license to LINQPad for Windows, but don't necessarily want to fire up Parallels for a quick thing. Would love to be able to run LINQPad in macOS natively as I move more and more of my development to .NET Core

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