1195 results found
Implement CTRL-D multiple selection in the same way as Sublime Text / VS Code
In Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code you can select multiple other occurrences of the current selection with CTRL-D (see the first animation in the main slideshow on https://www.sublimetext.com/).
I'm so used to this being available that it now almost feels like a chore to have to do a 'normal' find/replace when I'm editing in LINQPad (I know: First World problem...).
Anyway, it would be amazing if LINQPad gained this capability, as it really speeds things up when hacking about with code.
21 votes -
create support for mongodb so i can see the database in the tree format on the left pane
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20 votes
Generate INSERTs from grid
Just another export option or another mode/button near Output, Grid 1, λ, SQL, IL
Would be really nice to have this possibility when I would need to copy some records from one DB to another via Remote Desktop connection20 votes -
20 votes
Use LINQPad to author Azure Functions
Right within LINQPad, enable 1. Azure login; 2. Connect/browse Azure Queues and DocumentDB; and 3. Author Azure Function CSX scripts, test, publish, and repeat.
20 votes -
Be able to add connections to Xml Files
In the Add Connection pane, one should be able to add a connection which allows you to browse to an Xml File (or any file that has an Xml File structure even) and thereby be able to use Linq to Xml to query from that Xml File.
19 votes -
Connect to cosmosdb
It would be nice to be able to connect to and query CosmosDb using the Linq to DocumentDb SQL API
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18 votes
Change database selector to two dropdowns
One for server and the other for database. With many connections having only a single dropdown makes the list quite long and hard to navigate.
18 votes -
Export Results as Plain Text.
This will be handy when using LinqPad to bring back Simple data and will avoid using MS Word and Copy / Paste. I use LinqPad for bringing back the results of massive varchar fields because SSMS doesn't.
18 votes -
Export to CSV ..next to Excel
I just found "export to CSV", but it was not very intuitive having to switch to grid view, when in big letters there is a Export button right next to the results. The inverse is also true, in grid view there is access to CSV, but not Ecel, Word, Html.
Could you please add the shorcuts ?
18 votes -
Add (Administrator) to the title bar if running with administrative privileges like Visual Studio
It is helpful for me to see at a glance if the process I am using is elevated or not - as by default they are not. Here is some sample code I tested in LINQPad to test it under my Win7 environment:
// using System.Security.Principal
WindowsIdentity user = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
WindowsPrincipal principal = new WindowsPrincipal(user);
principal.IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator).Dump();Discussion point: I don't know if any automation tools look for a title bar named LINQPad 4 - but changing it could introduce a breaking change for those folks. I imagine that changed from older versions (though I can't remember honestly). Maybe have it…
18 votes -
Password protect production databases with timeout
I would like a protection layer for production databases.
It could be two factor push or simple password/pin.But something that allows me to have production databases without being afraid that i make a devestating mistake when not properly focused. Or that someone with bad intentions can wreck havoc.
A simple password prompt on first access is enough and then a timeout after being inactive for a number of minutes.
18 votes -
Allow pasting rows into Data Grid view in edit mode
Sometimes when cleaning up, adding and editing data by hand, there can be an advantage in copying the cells from a query to excel.
When you're done editing, it would be nice to be able to paste the data back in, in the edit mode.
This is possible in Sql Server Management Studio
18 votes -
order connections by name
I would like the option to sort the connections by name, now I have similar named connections all over the place (which already lead to duplication). This sorting would be convinient in combination with the grouping of connections into folders (first order folders, then folder contents)
18 votes -
Automatically Update NuGet Packages
It would be great if there was an option for each NuGet package in the LinqPad NuGet manager that allows you to set a package to auto update when a new version of the package is released.
We connect LinqPad to internal NuGet packages and the consumers of these packages should always be up to date with the latest versions of our internal packages.
18 votes -
Show the number of rows returned by query
In the results panel, it would be useful to display the number of records returned by the query.
17 votes -
Remember splitter position
It is very annoying to have to reposition the query/results splitter for every new query. Can you make it persist to wherever it was last positioned?
17 votes -
Color.Blue.Dump() should include the actual colour in the results
I'd love the default .Dump() for System.Drawing.Color (and any other colour related things like the ConsoleColor enum) to include a cell in the result output which contains their actual colour so that I can see it. LINQPad is so good for exploratory programming, dumping things out just to see what the result is, and this would improve it immensely for colours.
Below is the extension function I wrote to achieve this for if anyone is interested. I would just love to see this in the main build by default.
…///<summary>Custom formatter when dumping a <see cref="Color"/> which adds a row
17 votes
- Don't see your idea?