Linqpad for Mac Please,
I work with xamarin, but i only have xamarin Indie license, that means i work with xamarin studio for mac. I can't afford for business license. So switching back to windows and mac just to use linqpad in windows is a bit annoying and the data that i need to "LINQ" all in Mac.

The first preview of LINQPad for macOS is now available:
Rasih CAGLAYAN commented
Great, thank you very much :)
Mikhail commented
Thank you for releasing the beta version!
Please add support for macOS on Intel CPUs. -
MJC commented
Does that mean we can use it on Linux desktop as well?
Elias commented
i am the only one that uses Linqpad in my department where all other devs are on macs. It would be nice to have a runtime environment for macs
Ssh Quack commented
Please make LinqPad work natively on macOS.
I notice that In the forum there is mention of Joe decoupling from the IE rendering engine and LinqPad 6.14 came out with Chromium engine support Any idea if we will see this in 6.15
Cedric commented
Please, please, please? Like many here i've moved to mac for various reasons but i really do miss my favourite tool from my tool belt. Whilst i do currently have a licensed version of LP i'd even be happy to buy a new license if that helped!
Is there any chance that LP for mac will happen? begging for a friend...
In the meantime keep up the good work!
Stefan commented
Switched from a Windows machine to MacOS and really miss LinqPad... also had the paid version and was a daily used tool. Would be great if there was a MacOS version available.
Artur Michajluk commented
I'm planning to buy MacBook, the only thing that holds me is the lack of a LinqPad. And for those who said in comments that .net core is multiplatform so why LP isn't? Sure the .net core can be run on Mac. But lp is using WPF which is windows only and can't be used anywhere else. Rewriting UI for other platforms is a huge time investment. I'm afraid that JA doesn't have the resources to do that. Porting it to the electron would be nice. Maybe crowdfunding will help? :)
Daniel commented
after .net core and VS Code being available on mac, linqpad is the only reason I'm still on windows !!!
John commented
I have been a paid user of LINQPad since pretty much the beginning. I have bought licenses for 3 co-workers, a 2nd license for myself and had 3 employers now purchase the enterprise license. This tool is invaluable for me and I would happily pay again for a mac version knowing that the effort to port it would be significant.
Owen Pellegrin commented
Same here.
I work from home on a MacBook doing Xamarin Forms, I remote to a Windows machine for rare tasks. The main reason I've never purchased LinqPad is I can't use it on a Mac.
Anonymous commented
+All the votes. Would be a wonderful.
Paul Bruce commented
Yep me, too.
I've switched to Mac for Xamarin coding, and I miss Linqpad
While Xamarin has "Xamarin Workbooks" for playing around, it just isn't doesn't work as well, isn't as productive and doesn't have the same database connectivity as Linqpad. -
Sergei Ryabkov commented
I understand that LINQPad 6 runs on .NET Core, but only on Windows...
If you combine the following three related requests, support for macOS will become the top-requested feature:
- -
Rob van Meeuwen commented
I would love to have LinqPad for on my Mac. Now I've to start my vm-windows machine to use it...
Anonymous commented
Christ yes. What's the holdup? Isn't .NET cross platform?
David Poulin commented
definitively yes. i am working on mac, using .net core and would love to have linqpad on mac too
Anonymous commented
yes please! Trying to convince a bunch of RoR devs that use Macs to try C#/.Net core. Having LinqPAD to play with will help a lot.
Anonymous commented
Definitely guys, please! No problem to pay. We have many people in the company that would love it
William Obando Castellanos commented
Do you think this will happen any time soon?