Add AutoComplete for VB.NET
We need the auto complete feature to support VB syntax.

This is now complete in LINQPad 5.
Fawad Raza commented
Pro user here.
I have an "upgradable" Pro licence, but I dont have .NET 4.6 installed locally, can you release an update to v 4.5x version so that I can use autocomplete with .NET 4.5?
Cheers. -
Anonymous commented
Great - going to download link now !
Anonymous commented
That's great news!
Mike Gale commented
I got the Premium version because LINQPad is insanely great, even though I use VB.NET and F# more often than C#. Welcome news.
Adam commented
Excellent News.
Vaash commented
Very nice
Andreas commented
Great - can't wait
Dan Plaskon commented
Dan Plaskon commented
Perhaps I'm missing something, but isn't VB.NET now supported by the 3rd party tool you rely on? (source: - is there any chance of this enhancement seeing the light of day?
Andreas commented
What about Roslyn? Any news on this?
Adam commented
Any news on this enhancement?
Maurice Calvert commented
Autocomplete for VB = I Pay !
Mike C commented
I've just purchased LINQPad Premium in the hopes that VB autocompletion will be added in the future. Note that Roslyn is now available if you need CaaS.
Andi commented
It's a pitty that the language, which has the better LINQ support (VB) isn't supported!
Both Actipro and ICSharpCode support VB, so it should be possible. Even if the VB version would be worse, it's better then none.
In my case I was lucky enough to read the 'only C#' comment before hitting the 'buy' button, but I would be even more happy if I could buy... -
Dave Shaw commented
@Anonymous. From the Purchase Page: "Autocompletion works not only with LINQ queries, but (almost) the entire C# 5.0 language specification"
Anonymous commented
Just bought Premium version just to find out there is no support for autocomplete.
This is great peace of software and i don't mind paying for it, but it really pisses me off that is not clearly stated when it asks you to buy autocomplete. In my country this would be treated as misleading the customer and it's against the law. So please, before you make people buy the autocomplete make sure you warn them LOUD AND CLEAR that they will get autocomplete only for C#. -
johnw commented
I may not really understand the difference as to why autocomplete was possible for c# but not VB.
None the less I tried to understand that it somehow makes use of language syntax checker by Actipro Software, now I know they do a relatively new programming language syntax checker for VB so cant you make use of that to implement VB in linqpad? -
Dan Plaskon commented
I'm still of the mind: give me whatever limited autocomplete support you can! I'd gladly use linqpad as a VB.NET code scratchpad even if linq autocomplete was left completely unsupported. Existing VB.NET autocompletion packages could offer this today in linqpad, right?
MarcelDevG commented
I would think that an extenisibility model would always be welcome, not just for autocomplete vb (or sql...).
I for one would like to help to get vb autocomplete, not sure I could do the whole project timewise.
Isn't the C# implementation a good starting point, or is the langauge (syntax wise) too different? -
Vaughn: so would you (or anyone you know) be willing to write this yourself? VB lexers and parsers already exist, so you wouldn't have to to reinvent that (although you'll need to enhance the parser so that it can handle incomplete expressions). The main deal is having to write the binder and various intellisense services, which could end up being a few months' work. I don't know whether you've had experience in writing binders; if not, I can tell you that it's much harder than it sounds! LINQ, in particular, needs deep implementations of generics and type inference.
The reason that I ask is that writing an extensibility model requires that I put aside at least a month at the expense of other features, so I have to be certain it would be used.