463 search results
Fix spelling · completed
CTRL + mouse roll to resize Results pane
A provider for LINQ over code reflection
Support Fiddler Integration
support for reactive extensions · completed
Results Table
Sort results by clicking on column headers · completed
Allow pasting of results into Excel without formatting · completed
When copying for Markdown/Stack Overflow, find a way to add in using-directives and references
vb 2010 does not require line continuation
Compile only command in menu
Cancel long running Dump() rendering · completed
Support for multiple databases (EF/L2S) on different servers
ScrollIntoView for LINQpad controls
Immediate window in LinqPad
Progressive Dump
Make shift-click in the results pane collapse/expand all boxes of the same "class"
being able to save a user work context
"My Extensions" · completed
Pinned tabs show in a separate row