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17 results found
3 votesMark Hurd supported this idea ·
2 votesMark Hurd supported this idea ·
7 votesMark Hurd supported this idea ·
1 vote
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6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Mark Hurd commentedIf @Joe was interested in interleaving #line (C#) and #ExternalSource (VB) directives into the backend code, you could simply use the CallerLineNumberAttribute in your own DumpLine extension method:
public static T DumpLine<T>(this T obj, string description, [CallerLineNumber]int lineNumber = 0)
return obj.Dump($"{description} Line:{lineNumber}");
}That works, as is, except the line numbers include 33 (C#) or 28 (VB) preliminary lines for statements mode (presumably depending upon the number of Namespaces included).
4 votesMark Hurd supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Mark Hurd commentedAt the same time as making Option Strict On being a per-script setting, add this too.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Mark Hurd commentedAt some point (it must have changed during v4) the search used to just give you a Linq query that searched your files which you can manipulate to your heart's content. This search is still available at the bottom of the Samples, as "Search samples...", and it still includes the option to generate a query that searches your queries too.
Nevertheless, the current search is "Go to..." at the top right of My Queries, and it seems rather quick.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Mark Hurd commentedIn LinqPad 5, the time taken is either displayed on the bottom LHS, to the millisecond, if the query completes while it is the active query, or on the bottom RHS, only to the second, if the query completes when it's not the active query.
I still would prefer the LHS to the millisecond result every time, but I want my vote back.
89 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Mark Hurd commentedThat's a neat feature of VS I didn't know of!
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Mark Hurd commentedI'd also prefer it if a "stale" schema remained for IntelliSence purposes even if it was thrown away and regenerated when you actually hit "Run".
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Mark Hurd commentedAt least, seeing as there's an export to Excel (and html and Word), there should be an export to new query.
Mark Hurd supported this idea · -
2 votesMark Hurd supported this idea ·
31 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Mark Hurd commentedAnd the feature is already half-implemented by Save for MyExtensions!
Mark Hurd supported this idea · -
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Mark Hurd commentedI assume with "Use as Template For New Query" this one was done some time ago.
3 votesMark Hurd supported this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Mark Hurd commentedLinqPad already provides that, but the compile time support from .NET is missing:
Dim ue = From s In Strings.Split("Name1:Value1; Name2:2" & vbCrLf & "Name1:Value2; Name2:3", vbCrLf) _
Let e=(Strings.Split(s,"; ").ToDictionary(Function(f)f.Split({":"c},2)(0),Function(f)f.Split({":"c},2)(1))) _
Select x=(Function(d As Dictionary(Of String,String))
Dim r = New Dynamic.ExpandoObject
Dim i As IDictionary(Of String,Object)=r
For Each kv In d
Return r
End Function)(e)ue.Dump
Call (From x In ue _
Select Name1=CStr(x(0).Value), Name2=CInt(x(1).Value)).Dump'ExpandoObject not designed with VB in mind because these fail x!Name1 x!Name2 :-(
26 votesMark Hurd supported this idea ·
You can get this now, before or after attempting to compile, by choosing Query > Show Results from the menu, or Ctrl+R, and then selecting the Syntax Tree pane, of course.