Settings and activity
5 results found
4 votes
E. Monk supported this idea ·
1 vote
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2 votes
E. Monk shared this idea ·
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment E. Monk commented
The fact that renaming it works tells me that it's a .NET Framework executable. Referencing those from .NET or .NET Core at runtime is a bit hairy and can cause serious problems, even if they strictly adhere to .NET Standard interfaces. As such I think it's a good idea to require an extra step in the process so that you don't do it by accident.
For reference, .NET Core and .NET (>= v5) apparently never produce a valid assembly with the '.exe' extension. Instead they put a native launcher executable alongside your assembly DLL, or in single-file builds they build your assembly and combine it with a native wrapper. I tried a variety of combinations of build settings and packing, all produce native apps that are not valid .NET assemblies.
64 votes
E. Monk supported this idea ·
If you're happy to lose the content on overflow then perhaps a DumpContainer (or a set of them) would be more useful for output? When you assign to the Content property it replaces the visible data. It's handy for displaying progress on long-running queries.
Yes it's a little more work. But you can do some fun things with it. Check out Util.VerticalRun too.