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LINQPad Feature Suggestions

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LINQPad Feature Suggestions


260 results found

  1. There should be an option to hide the left pane allowing us to consume the maximum real estate of the screen to work with the query and result window.

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  2. Pluralizing and capitalizing tables names can confuse developers and DBAs ... And demand an extra effort to rename que lambda expressions before using it in the original application... Leaving the table names as is... is more usefull cause we can copy/paste the generated lambda expressions.....

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  3. The DataGrid 'Edit Data' feature works fine when editing values where there are more than one row. In this case, the results appear in a table and each row's cell can be edited. However, if navigating (via hyperlinks) to a table for which there is only a single row, then the view changes from a table to more of a property sheet view with only two columns: the attributes and values. In this mode, the only thing that allows editing are boolean fields (that appear as checkboxes) and strings. All other numeric values give the following error:

    Object of type…

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  4. in Visual Studio you have the ability to comment/uncomment code sections. I use this very often to test code sections.

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  5. I was attempting to refresh a connection in the connections list window and I accidentally deleted the connection. No confirmation dialog popped up, just woosh, connection gone.

    Which is fine, I can just re-add it once I figure out the connection string details again ( I have a lot of connections in there).

    Just a small annoyance. (Large annoyance for users with lots of connections)

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  6. Use of XmlSerializer in LINQPad 5 is not possible. Serialization ends with "UserQuery is inaccessible due to its protection level. Only public types can be processed" exception. In V4 there is no problem.

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  7. It would mean upgrading to 4.6, but that's not a bad idea anyways.

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  9. It is annoying that I always have to fully qualify "System.Transactions.IsolationLevel" because of the conflict with "System.Data.IsolationLevel".

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  10. So that a comment beginning with http... could become clickable and launch the default browser.


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  11. There should be away of preventing Highlight / HighlightIf from working when dumping to Grid. At present they just confuse the output (you read the 'raw' value for all the HighlightIf=false rows, but 'object' for all the HighlightIf=true rows)

    If there were a 'DumpContext.Mode' then obviously that could be used as part of the HighlightIf predicate. But there isn't (that I know of). And it can't be query-wide because different parts of a query might be dumped differently (does have to be some kind of dump context).

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  12. If you create a new C# Program query and run this code snippet...

    void Main()
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)
    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0:D6} Did all the lines break?", i));

    You will see:

    There is a line break missing at position 4055.
    There is an extra line break inserted at position 5407.

    There is a line break missing at position 6759.
    There is an extra line break inserted at position 8111.

    There is a line break missing at position 9464.

    This is consistent across LinqPad 4 and 5, Windows 10 and Windows Server 2008, LinqPad…

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  13. Google search no longer supports ~, so F1-generated google searches should not include it.

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  14. Sometimes, I update my extensions and want to update all affected queries too, but it's not convenient to open each query and search it. A "find in all queries" option like "find in files" in Visual Studio would be great.

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  15. Often in script flow I need to break (usualy after ReadLine is called and user do not want to continue). In those moment, I always display a message in red then break. It make sens to me that the break method does this.

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  16. It's just that. I like giving feedback and would like not having to repeat myself dozen times over.

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  17. remain Ctrl + . and add Alt + Enter for “Open smart tag”

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  18. Today when running scripts you can use CTRL+SHIFT+F5 or GUI advanced settings to determine whether you get a new app domain.

    The thing is, most of the time I want a new app domain... except when I don't (typically because my script is dynamically loading up a bunch of assemblies that could change out from under me or when I am trying to measure/debug/redo some static initialization).

    It would be nice if a script could express it's need for a fresh domain via the XML at the top of the raw script file. That way LinqPad would know how to…

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  19. LinqPad includes references to common .NET assemblies and its namespaces in each query by default, but it doesn't provide a way for users to remove any of these references and/or namespaces, if they don't use or need them.

    This causes issues due to name clashing between classes in different namespace.

    For example, the sample code below uses Newtonsoft.Json v12.0.2 to format a JSON string:

    var jsonStringMinified = @"{""x"":100.5,""y"":200.4}";
    var parsedJson = JToken.Parse(jsonStringMinified);
    var jsonStringIndented = parsedJson.ToString(Formatting.Indented);

    The namespaces imported in this example are:


    We get a compilation error: "CS0104 'Formatting' is an ambiguous reference between 'Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting' and…

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  20. Dump doesn't extend ReadOnlySpan<char> right now. It'd be nice to have something like

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