260 results found
Autoimplementation of Interfaces and Abstract Classes
Add the ability to autoimplement an interface or abstract class like in Visual Studio. LINQPad already has the namespace importing like VS, so the UI for it exists.
53 votesAvailable from v5.24
Allow prompting for user input
Something like this:
int age = Prompt<int> ("Your age");
and it would bring up a dialog asking the user to enter their age.
That would handle single values. For multiple values, maybe Tuple-style:
var data = Prompt<string,int,bool> ("Your name", "Your age", "I agree to the terms and conditions");
("Hello, " + data.Item1 + " of age " + data.Item2).Dump();
if (!data.Item3) "Please agree to the terms and conditions".Dump();
It should remember the last value entered. If the user hits Cancel, then it should throw a OperationCancelledException or something like that.
48 votesThis works via Console.ReadLline and Util.ReadLine. See “What’s New” for more details.
Azure Table Services (..and maybe blob)
WCF DataServices support doesn't seem to work with the azure table service (tho, after the docs both are basicly the same).
Would be great to get support for this :)
45 votesThis is now available as a supplementary driver that you can install in a single click. Go to Add Connection and click ‘View More Drivers’ and click on the Azure Tables driver.
Go to definition
Would be great to have the functionality like we do in Visual Studio to right click a method call and go to the definition of the method in the query window. Sometimes I work on rather large linqpad scripts and this would be very handy.
39 votesThis functionality is available in LINQPad 5
Interface implementation
How difficult would it be to implement an interface in a class using autocompletion to create the method stubs? Similar to CTRL+. in VS, which lets you choose implicit or explicit implementation.
The issue is that if you create class using IDisposable interface, you have to manually create the Dispose method, for instance, and while this is easy, some others have more complex signatures, etc...
Thank you.
38 votesThis is available from Version 5.24
Let me close without asking if I want to save
I use LinqPad almost entirely for one-off, throwaway queries -- for example, I'll use one of our utility classes to do a quick calculation. When I close LinqPad, the "do you want to save?" prompt is a pointless annoyance.
It would be much nicer if LINQPad followed the model of how Web browsers save and restore tabs.
Never prompt me to save; just autosave my documents to a temp location and then exit.
Next time I open, give me an unobtrusive way to see my old queries and reopen them if I wish; but if I'd rather just start a…
38 votesThis is a duplicate of http://linqpad.uservoice.com/forums/18302-linqpad-feature-suggestions/suggestions/2418780-save-restore-queries-on-close-or-manually and has been implemented for some time in LINQPad 6.
Support for C# 6 Language Features
C# 6.0 is currently in Preview with Visual Studio 2015 preview. As I am starting to use the newest version of VS, I am exploring the behavior of the new language features, including the new nameof operator, string interpolation, the null conditional operator, index initializers, etc. I instinctively go to LINQPad to test something out including these but then realize it is not yet supported :(
37 votesLINQPad 5 with C# 6 and VB 14 language support has now been released.
Hot exit functionality for open (and unsaved) editor tabs
Add an option to restore the open editor tabs (session) on restart of the application again. Especially the unsaved editor tabs. This is a really handy feature of e.g. Sublime 2 and helps to avoid unnecessary file bloat for not so important scratches worked on in LINQPad.
36 votesThis feature is available from 6.9.12
Make explicit whether LINQPad is running as 64- or 32-bit.
I get the dreaded 'An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format... ' error, which usually means that I'm trying to load an assembly compiled for 64-bit in a 32-bit environment. However, there's no explicit way to see this in LINQPad. It could be shown in the 'About' window.
36 votesThis features is available from 6.9.x
Show the default namespaces and assembly references in the query properties
By default, LinqPad imports several namespaces (System, System.Linq...) and references several assemblies (System, System.Core...). This is fine in most cases, but sometimes I'd like to be able to remove some namespaces or references, and currently there's no way to do that. These default namespaces and assemblies should appear in the query properties so that they can be removed (it could be an option for users who don't want that)
35 votesIn LINQPad 6, you can now see all namespace imports in Query Properties, and remove default namespaces as required.
35 votes
Sharing code across LINQPad queries
At present, the only way to share code across LINQPad queries is to put them in "My Extensions" but this causes the code to be available to ALL queries, and it would be good if this could be specified on a more granular basis, where the code is shared with only a subset of queries.
For example, in my queries folder, if I'm working on ACME API, I'll have a folder called "ACME API" with separate files for whatever I'm working with - eg. get-user.linq, add-product.linq.
It would be good if I could create a file called common.linq (or something…
35 votesThis is now available in LINQPad 6:
https://www.linqpad.net/LINQPad6.aspx -
Add Bing search
Allow user to specify search provider - Bing.
34 votesLINQPad now uses the search engine that you've chosen in the operating system.
Make the output window show results as they're produced
For long-running queries that call Dump multiple times, it would be good to have the results from the earlier queries show immediately rather than waiting for the whole query to complete.
33 votesIt’s in V2.0
Allow fixed-width font for the results pane
Some multi-line strings are easier to read in a fixed width font; these are hard to read in LINQPad today.
33 votesThis feature is available in LINQPad 8. Go to Edit | Preferences, Results, and click the "fixed-pitched font" checkboxes.
Highlight same text as selected in editor
Just like in Visual Studio (and MANY other editors):
When you select some text in the editor, the same text gets highlighted. This helps the developer identify errors and places that needs to be changed / refactored etc..32 votesThis is available for symbols, from version 5.24
Add basic refactoring support
When your prototypical scripts evolve, you may want clean them up a bit by renaming variables, methods and classes to match their new/changed responsibilities. As find/replace is error prone, such a rename refactoring support would be neat.
32 votes -
multi monitor support
Add so that you can set the results in different monitors. Would be very nice when the result is very large.
30 votesThe shortcut key to undock results is F8 (Query | Undock Results).
Disable automatic server connection
When Linqpad first starts, it automatically connects to every server you have added as a connection. Please add an option to disable this behavior and only make a connection after clicking on the server first.
27 votesGo to connection properties and in the database box, uncheck “Populate on startup”.
Automatically Switch From Expression to Statement(s)
Upon detecting multiple statements: Automatically switch Language from Expression to Statement(s) for selected language.
26 votesThis is available from version 5.24
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